About us
The Swiss-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Suíça em Portugal, CCISP ) is a private association established in 1987. At that time, leading Swiss companies in Portugal were seeking a common business platform to enhance their networking and exchange experiences.
Today, the CCISP operates as a bilateral Chamber of Commerce, serving as a bridge between Switzerland and Portugal.
The foundation of the CCISP lies in its members, Swiss and Portuguese companies that form our business platform. Consequently, CCISP’s services are primarily provided to our members.
Our mission
Defend the interests of our members by leveraging our experience and our extensive contact network for their benefit.
Deliver valuable and personalized services to Swiss and Portuguese companies investing in either of these countries.
Foster networking and matchmaking to generate business opportunities for our stakeholders.
Our vision
Being a trustworthy and accurate source of information to support Swiss and Portuguese companies.
Being a reliable partner guided by values such as transparency, integrity and economic efficiency.
Promoting economic growth between Switzerland and Portugal.
Adding value to economic relations and the bilateral exchange of goods and services between Switzerland and Portugal.
Meet our team
As a private trade association, the Chamber’s organisation comprises of several statutory bodies and administrative departments, including the Board of Directors, the General Assembly Board, the Audit Committee, and the Secretariat with its administrative departments.
Consisting of up to nine directors plus a representative of the Swiss Embassy in Portugal with observer status.
Each director is responsible for one or several areas, according to the following current outline: